Time Input

Time Input


The TimeInput component consists of a label, and a group of segments representing each unit of a time (e.g. hours, minutes, and seconds). Each segment is individually focusable and editable by the user, by typing or using the arrow keys to increment and decrement the value. This approach allows values to be formatted and parsed correctly regardless of the locale or time format, and offers an easy and error-free way to edit times using the keyboard.

API Reference

TimeInput Props

labelReactNodeThe content to display as the label.-
valueDateValueThe current value of the date input (controlled).-
defaultValueDateValueThe default value of the date input (uncontrolled).-
placeholderValueDateValueA placeholder time that influences the format of the placeholder shown when no value is selected. Defaults current date at midnight.-
minValueDateValueThe minimum allowed date that a user may select.-
maxValueDateValueThe maximum allowed date that a user may select.-
localestringThe locale to display and edit the value according to.-
descriptionReactNodeA description for the date input. Provides a hint such as specific requirements for what to choose.-
errorMessageReactNode | (v: ValidationResult) => ReactNodeAn error message for the date input.-
startContentReactNodeElement to be rendered in the left side of the date input.-
endContentReactNodeElement to be rendered in the right side of the date input.-
isRequiredbooleanWhether user input is required on the input before form submission.false
isReadOnlybooleanWhether the input can be selected but not changed by the user.-
isDisabledbooleanWhether the input is disabled.false
isInvalidbooleanWhether the input value is invalid.false
createCalendar(name: string) => CalendarA function that creates a Calendar object for a given calendar identifier.-
isDateUnavailable(date: DateValue) => booleanCallback that is called for each date of the calendar. If it returns true, then the date is unavailable.-
autoFocusbooleanWhether the element should receive focus on render.false
hourCycle12 | 24Whether to display the time in 12 or 24 hour format. This is determined by the user's locale.-
granularityhour | minute | secondDetermines the smallest unit that is displayed in the date picker. Typically "day" for dates.-
hideTimeZonebooleanWhether to hide the time zone abbreviation.false
shouldForceLeadingZerosbooleanWhether to always show leading zeros in the month, day, and hour fields.true
classNamesInputClassNamesClassName for each components in the Input-
stylesInputStylesStyles for each components in the Input-

TimeInput Events

onFocus(e: FocusEvent<Target>) => voidHandler that is called when the element receives focus.
onBlur(e: FocusEvent<Target>) => voidHandler that is called when the element loses focus.
onFocusChange(isFocused: boolean) => voidHandler that is called when the element's focus status changes.
onKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent) => voidHandler that is called when a key is pressed.
onKeyUp(e: KeyboardEvent) => voidHandler that is called when a key is released.
onChange(value: MappedTimeValue<TimeValue>) => voidHandler that is called when the value changes.


To use the TimeInput component, import it from the library and include it in your JSX code:

import { TimeInput } from 'react-calendar-kit';
<TimeInput />;